The first complete cyber security solution for protecting “smart appliances” in the home has been launched by Telenet.
‘Safespot’ works with home appliances such as such as lighting, thermostats, baby monitors and refrigerator cameras via modem-installed software to ensure that hackers cannot gain access to homes through these potentially weak links.
It combines an advanced antivirus program with software automatically installed on the modem to protect any Internet-connected equipment. In addition, the Safespot app enables customers to monitor what is happening in your home.
Smart but not always secure
Gartner estimates that approximately 14 billion ‘smart’ appliances will be in use worldwide by the end of this year. And this number is set to double over the next two years. The increase in unsecured smart appliances is making it very easy for hackers to enter your property by virtual means. If they manage to gain access to the Wi-Fi network through a smart doorbell, for example, they will also be able to access the data on your laptop. Or they use your smart camera to see whether you’re in or out.
A first total solution for cyber threats
With Safespot, Telenet is offering the first all-in-one solution for cyber threats. Not only does it protect customers from phishing and malware, it also prevents potential security leaks through smart appliances. It does this by activating additional software on the modem, which scans any traffic to and from appliances connected to the home network. Appliances that display suspect behaviour, such as trying to communicate with a dodgy server, are isolated.
The Safespot app provides an overview of all appliances connected to the home network, whether or not they are secure and whether any attempts to infiltrate the network have occurred over the past few weeks. Customers can also block appliances connected to their network through this app.
Finally, Safespot incorporates an advanced antivirus program that can be installed on all laptops, tablets and smartphones in the home. It protects these appliances on any Internet network, both in and out of the home. Links in phishing e-mails or fake adverts, for example, will also be blocked.
Bart Van den Branden, cyber security specialist at Telenet, said: “Customers are aware that the Internet is not always safe, but they often don’t know what is the best way to protect themselves. Furthermore, the increase in smart appliances is aggravating the problem even more. This is why we are launching Safespot, which offers a complete solution for all appliances. It tackles all cyber threats and stops you becoming an easy prey for hackers, phishing and viruses.”
Telenet has worked in partnership with SecuringSam and Bitdefender, two IT security software companies, to develop this cyber security product.