*Refer to Q+A for more details

Key documents
Questions and Answers
The Spin-Off
What did the spin-off involve?
Liberty Global effected a series of transactions that resulted in the spin-off of Sunrise to Liberty Global’s shareholders. After the transaction, Liberty Global continues to own (in whole or in part) and operate its Liberty Telecom businesses in Belgium, Ireland, Slovakia, the U.K. and the Netherlands, and Sunrise operates as an independent, separate publicly-traded company.
What will I have received now the spin-off is completed?
On November 12, 2024, holders of each class of Liberty Global Common Shares as of the Distribution Record Date received the following:
- Liberty Global Class A common shares: one Sunrise Class A Common Share, in the form of one Sunrise Class A ADS, for every five Liberty Global Class A common shares held by any such shareholder on the Distribution Record Date.
- Liberty Global Class B common shares: two Sunrise Class B Shares, in the form of two Sunrise Class B ADSs, for every Liberty Global Class B common share held by any such shareholder on the Distribution Record Date.
- Liberty Global Class C common shares: one Sunrise Class A Common Share, in the form of one Sunrise Class A ADS, for every five Liberty Global Class C common shares held by any such shareholder on the Distribution Record Date.
What are American Depositary Shares (ADSs)?
An American depositary share, or ADS, represents a specified number of securities of a non-U.S. company deposited with a custodian bank, also referred to as the depositary. The depositary for the Sunrise ADSs is JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. (“JPMorgan Chase”). Each Sunrise Class A ADS and Sunrise Class B ADS represents the right to receive, and to exercise the beneficial ownership interests in, one Sunrise Class A Common Share and one Sunrise Class B Share, respectively.
Why am I receiving Sunrise ADSs instead of Sunrise Shares?
Liberty Global delivered all Sunrise Shares distributed in the spin-off initially in ADS form to facilitate efficient initial settlement mechanics. Among other things, this facilitated delivery of Sunrise Shares to holders of Liberty Global Common Shares whose brokers held their Liberty Global Common Shares in securities accounts at Depository Trust Company.
Can I elect to receive Sunrise Shares rather than Sunrise ADSs?
No. To facilitate efficient initial settlement mechanics, Liberty Global determined to deliver all Sunrise Shares distributed in the spin-off initially in ADS form. However, Sunrise ADS holders are entitled to cancel the Sunrise ADSs and withdraw the underlying Sunrise Shares at any time.
How can I convert my ADSs into Sunrise Shares?
Sunrise ADS holders who wish to hold the Sunrise Shares directly, rather than in ADS form, will need to deposit such shares with a bank, broker or other nominee capable of holding and trading the Sunrise Shares. Sunrise ADS holders should confirm with their brokers how Sunrise ADSs or Sunrise Shares can be held, purchased, financed and transferred.
Sunrise ADS holders who cancel their Sunrise ADSs and withdraw the underlying Sunrise Shares within the first three months following the spin-off do not have to pay depositary fees of up to $0.05 per Sunrise ADS for such cancellation. Sunrise ADS holders are responsible for paying any taxes or other expenses in connection with such cancellation and withdrawal.
What do I need to do to receive Sunrise Shares in ADS form?
Holders of Liberty Global Common Shares on the Distribution Record Date are not required to pay any cash, or deliver other consideration or give up any Liberty Global Common Shares in order to receive Sunrise Shares in ADS form in the spin-off.
If you hold your Liberty Global Common Shares in book-entry or certificated form, you will not be required to take any specific actions to receive the Sunrise Shares in ADS form to which you are entitled. Sunrise ADSs will not be issued in certificated form. All Liberty Global shareholders, including those holding Liberty Global Common Shares in certificated form, will receive their Sunrise ADSs in book-entry form.
What is the Distribution Record Date?
The Distribution Record Date was November 4, 2024. Holders of record of Liberty Global Common Shares on the Distribution Record Date became entitled to receive on the effective date of the spin-off (November 8, 2024) the Sunrise Shares of the applicable class in ADS form, based on the applicable distribution ratio.
Trading of Sunrise Securities
Are the ADS and Sunrise Shares be listed on an exchange?
Sunrise Class A ADS commenced trading on the Nasdaq under the ticker symbol “SNRE” on November 13, 2024, and the Sunrise Class A common shares on the SIX Swiss Exchange under the ticker symbol “SUNN” on November 15, 2024. The Nasdaq listing of the Sunrise Class A ADSs will be for a transitional period only, to facilitate trading and holding of the Sunrise Class A ADSs after the spin-off. This transitional period will extend from November 13, 2024 to a date which will be approximately nine months thereafter, with the specific date to be determined. Sunrise could elect to shorten or extend the transitional period based upon facts and circumstances at the time.
Neither the Sunrise Class B Shares nor the Sunrise Class B ADSs are listed on any stock exchange in any jurisdiction.
What happens to the Nasdaq listing at the end of the transitional period?
Sunrise Class A ADS holders should prepare for a delisting at the end of the transitional period. Upon the expiration of the transitional period and delisting, Sunrise Class A ADSs will trade in the U.S. in the over-the-counter market and holders of the Sunrise Class A ADS should plan to manage their holdings and brokerage accounts accordingly. For example, such holders may wish to cancel their Sunrise Class A ADSs and withdraw the underlying Sunrise Class A Common Shares prior to the termination of the Nasdaq listing.
Can I convert unlisted Sunrise Class B Shares into listed Sunrise Class A Common Shares?
Sunrise Class B Shares can be exchanged for Sunrise Class A Common Shares in accordance with the terms of Sunrise’s articles of association at a ratio of 10 Sunrise Class B Shares for one Sunrise Class A Common Share. The resulting Sunrise Class A Common Shares must be deposited with a bank, broker or other nominee capable of holding and trading the Sunrise Class A Common Shares on the SIX before they can be traded on the SIX. For further details, please contact Sunrise’s share register Computershare Switzerland Ltd at Share.register@computershare.ch.
Can I convert Sunrise Class B ADSs into Sunrise Class A ADSs or directly into Sunrise Class A Common Shares?
No. Sunrise Class B ADSs cannot be exchanged for Sunrise Class A ADSs or directly for Sunrise Class A Common Shares. Holders of Sunrise Class B ADSs who wish to trade on the SIX at any time following the completion of the spin-off will need to cancel their Sunrise Class B ADSs, withdraw the underlying Sunrise Class B Shares and exchange such shares for Sunrise Class A Common Shares at a ratio of 10 Sunrise Class B Shares for one Sunrise Class A Common Share. For further details, please contact Sunrise’s share register Computershare Switzerland Ltd at Share.register@computershare.ch.
What are some of the important differences between being a holder of Sunrise ADSs and a holder of Sunrise Shares?
As a Sunrise ADS holder, the depositary is the direct shareholder of record of Sunrise, but through your ownership of the Sunrise ADS, you have the right to receive, and to exercise the beneficial ownership in, one Sunrise Share of the applicable class, including to exercise voting rights through the depositary. Because the depositary or its nominee is the direct shareholder of record for the Sunrise Shares represented by all outstanding Sunrise ADSs, shareholder rights rest with the depositary or its nominee and are governed by the laws of Switzerland and Sunrise’s articles of association. Your rights will be those of a Sunrise ADS holder. A deposit agreement among Sunrise, the depositary and you as a Sunrise ADS holder, and all other holders and beneficial owners from time to time of the applicable Sunrise ADSs, sets out your rights as the holder of the applicable Sunrise ADSs. You have the right to, at any time and at your option, cancel your Sunrise ADSs and withdraw the applicable class of Sunrise Shares.
Cash dividends paid in respect of Sunrise ADSs will be subject to applicable fees and expenses incurred by the depositary in connection with the distribution thereof in the amount of up to $0.05 per Sunrise ADS (depending on the amount of dividend), while no such fees and expenses would be payable by direct holders of the Sunrise Shares.
Sunrise ADS holders can vote the underlying Sunrise Shares by instructing the depositary how to vote the Sunrise Shares underlying their Sunrise ADSs, while holders of Sunrise Shares can vote directly or by instructing the independent proxy at any general meetings of Sunrise.
How do I trade my Sunrise Class A ADSs?
The only listed trading market for either class of the Sunrise ADSs is Nasdaq, where the Sunrise Class A ADS commenced trading under the ticker symbol “SNRE” on November 13, 2024.
As a Sunrise Class A ADS holder, you can trade on the SIX if you cancel your Sunrise Class A ADSs, withdraw the underlying Sunrise Class A Common Shares and deposit such shares with a bank, broker or other nominee capable of holding and trading the Sunrise Class A Common Shares on the SIX.
How do I trade my Sunrise Class B ADSs?
Neither the Sunrise Class B Shares nor the Sunrise Class B ADSs are listed on any stock exchange in any jurisdiction. Trading in the Sunrise Class B ADSs, if any, will only take place in the United States OTC. OTC trading is generally much more limited than trading on any national securities exchange and is subject to greater volatility. There can be no assurance that a viable and active trading market will develop in the Sunrise Class B ADSs.
You may, however, trade on the SIX if you cancel your Sunrise Class B ADSs, withdraw the underlying Sunrise Class B Shares, exchange the Sunrise Class B Shares for Sunrise Class A Common Shares in accordance with the terms of Sunrise’s articles of association and deposit the resulting Sunrise Class A Common Shares with a bank, broker or other nominee capable of holding and trading the Sunrise Class A Common Shares on the SIX. Holders of Sunrise Class A Common Shares can deposit these in the ADS program and receive Sunrise Class A ADSs accordingly.
How can I trade on the SIX?
Since you initially received Sunrise Shares in ADS form in the spin-off, before you can place an on-market trade for their Sunrise Shares on the SIX, you will first need to cancel your Sunrise ADSs and acquire direct ownership of Sunrise Class A Common Shares.
Only Sunrise Class A Common Shares, but not Sunrise Class B Shares, trade on the SIX. Accordingly, if you are a holder of Sunrise Class B ADSs and wish to trade on the SIX, you need to cancel your Sunrise Class B ADSs and withdraw the underlying Sunrise Class B Shares, and then exchange those Sunrise Class B Shares for Sunrise Class A Common Shares in accordance with Sunrise’s articles of association, at a ratio of 10 Sunrise Class B Shares for one Sunrise Class A Common Share. You can then trade the resulting Sunrise Class A Common Shares on the SIX. Sunrise Class B ADSs cannot be exchanged for Sunrise Class A ADSs. Sunrise ADS holders who wish to hold the Sunrise Shares directly, rather than in ADS form, or trade the Sunrise Class A Common Shares on the SIX at any time following the spin-off, will need to deposit such shares with a bank, broker or other nominee capable of holding the Sunrise Shares and trading the Sunrise Class A Common Shares on the SIX.
Liberty Global strongly encourages you to contact your bank, broker or other nominee through which you currently hold your Liberty Global Common Shares to inquire about their capability to hold the Sunrise Shares and trade the Sunrise Class A Common Shares on the SIX. Not all U.S. based banks, brokers and other nominees have that capability. Even if your bank, broker or other nominee has that capability, it may take some time for it to take necessary action to enable you to hold the Sunrise Shares or trade the Sunrise Class A Common Shares on the SIX through it, so Liberty Global suggests that you commence this process well in advance of any desired trading of Sunrise Class A Common Shares on the SIX. Your ability to hold your Sunrise Shares with an eligible broker, bank or other nominee will depend not only on such entity’s operational capabilities, but also on the policies of, and arrangements with such entity, and if you are unable to do so for any reason, you will not be able to sell your Sunrise Class A Common Shares on the SIX.
Liberty Global also strongly encourages you to contact your bank, broker or other nominee about initiating the process for cancelling your Sunrise ADSs and acquiring direct ownership of the underlying Sunrise Class A Common Shares as soon as possible if you wish to trade Sunrise Class A Common Shares on the SIX as soon as such trading commences.
How do I trade my Sunrise Class B Shares?
Because the Sunrise Class B Shares are not listed on the SIX and cannot be traded OTC in the United States (other than in ADS form), you are not be able to trade your Sunrise Class B Shares unless you exchange them for Sunrise Class A Common Shares. You can exchange your Sunrise Class B Shares for Sunrise Class A Common Shares in accordance with Sunrise’s articles of association, at a ratio of 10 Sunrise Class B Shares for one Sunrise Class A Common Share. The Sunrise Class A Common Shares can be traded on the SIX through a broker capable of supporting such trading.
Do I have to cancel my Sunrise ADSs and withdraw my Sunrise Shares?
No. You only have to cancel your Sunrise ADSs and withdraw the underlying Sunrise Shares if you wish to trade on the SIX. However, Liberty Global expects that Sunrise ADS holders who cancel their Sunrise ADSs and withdraw the underlying Sunrise Shares for trading on the SIX will gain access to what Liberty Global believes will be a more liquid trading market for their Sunrise Shares. Such holders will also become direct shareholders of Sunrise, such that they will be able to vote directly at Sunrise’s shareholder meetings and receive any dividends directly from Sunrise without payment of fees of up to $0.05 per Sunrise ADS (depending on amount of the dividend) to JPMorgan Chase, among other possible benefits.
Sunrise ADS holders who cancel their Sunrise ADSs and withdraw the underlying Sunrise Shares within the first three months following the spin-off will not have to pay depositary fees of up to $0.05 per Sunrise ADS for such cancellation. Sunrise ADS holders will be responsible for paying any taxes or other expenses in connection with such cancellation and withdrawal.
The Nasdaq listing of the Sunrise Class A ADSs is for a transitional period and will extend from the listing date of the Sunrise Class A ADSs on Nasdaq to a date which will be approximately nine months thereafter, with the specific date to be determined.
How can I cancel my Sunrise ADSs and withdraw Sunrise Shares?
The cancellation of Sunrise ADSs and the withdrawal of the underlying Sunrise Shares is governed by the deposit agreement applicable to the relevant Sunrise ADSs and the procedures of the depositary. The deposit agreements provide that, among other things, if a holder of Sunrise ADSs tenders Sunrise ADSs to the depositary for cancellation together with proper instructions and documentation and the payment of applicable fees, charges and taxes as set forth in the applicable deposit agreement, the depositary will deliver to such holder of Sunrise ADSs or, upon such holder’s written order, another person, the underlying Sunrise Shares, subject only to compliance with applicable law and any temporary delays caused by the closing of the Sunrise ADS register by the depositary or of Sunrise’s share register by Sunrise in connection with, among other things, voting at a shareholders’ meeting, or the payment of dividends.
Holders of Sunrise ADSs who cancel their Sunrise ADSs and withdraw the underlying Sunrise Shares within the first three months following the spin-off will not have to pay depositary fees of up to $0.05 per Sunrise ADS for such cancellation. Holders of Sunrise ADSs will be responsible for paying any taxes or other expenses in connection with such cancellation and withdrawal.
If you wish to hold the Sunrise Shares directly, rather than in ADS form, or trade the Sunrise Class A Common Shares on the SIX, Liberty Global strongly encourages you to contact your bank, broker or other nominee through which you currently hold your Liberty Global Common Shares or other securities to inquire about their capability to hold the Sunrise Shares and trade the Sunrise Class A Common Shares on the SIX.
Tax Considerations
What are the U.S. federal income tax consequences to me of the spin-off?
For U.S. federal income tax purposes, no gain or loss will be recognized by, or be includible in the income of, a U.S. Holder (as defined in “The Spin-Off—Material U.S. Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Spin-Off” of the F-4 filing) as a result of the spin-off, except with respect to any cash (if any) received by Liberty Global’s shareholders in lieu of fractional Sunrise Class A ADSs. After the spin-off, Liberty Global’s shareholders will allocate their basis in their Liberty Global Common Shares held immediately before the spin-off between their Liberty Global Common Shares and their Sunrise ADSs in proportion to their relative fair market values on the date of the spin-off. See “The Spin-Off—Material U.S. Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Spin-Off” in the F-4 filing for more information regarding the potential tax consequences to you of the spin-off.
What are the Swiss income tax consequences to me of the spin-off?
If you are a Swiss resident holder, no gain or loss should arise or be included in your income for Swiss tax purposes as a result of the spin-off, provided that you are a Swiss Holder (as defined in “The Spin-Off—Material Swiss Tax Consequences of the Spin-Off” of the F-4 filing) who holds Liberty Global Common Shares as a business asset and correctly maintains the tax and book value of your Liberty Global Common Shares.
If you are a Swiss Holder that holds Liberty Global Common Shares as business assets and you are classified as a “professional securities dealer” or if you are a legal entity and you receive cash in lieu of a fractional Sunrise ADS, then you will generally recognize a capital gain or loss measured by the difference between the cash received for such fractional Sunrise ADS and your tax basis in such fractional Sunrise ADS.
If you are a Swiss Holder who holds Liberty Global Common Shares as private assets and you receive cash in lieu of a fractional Sunrise ADS, the receipt of such cash will be tax-free to you.
What are the U.K. tax consequences to me of the spin-off?
Holders of Liberty Global Common Shares should not be taxed to income for U.K. tax purposes, nor recognize any gain or loss for the purposes of U.K. taxation of chargeable gains, solely as a result of the spin-off (except, potentially, with respect to any cash (if any) received in lieu of fractional Sunrise ADSs, and on the basis and subject to the matters described in “The Spin-Off—Material U.K. Tax Consequences of the Spin-Off” of the F-4 filing).
Liberty Global has engaged D.F. King Ltd. and D.F. King & Co, Inc. (D.F. King) to act as information agent for the spin-off, contact them on:
UK Telephone: 0333 300 1933, Operating hours: 09:00-17:30 (UK Time)
US Telephone toll-free: (866) 521-4487. Operating hours 09:00-22:00 (Eastern Time)
For further information please refer to our Prospectus filing in the key document section or get in touch with our IR team: ir@libertyglobal.com
Key information for Sunrise Shares and ADSs:
Sunrise Class A common shares: CH1386220409
Sunrise Class B shares: CH1386220722
Sunrise Class A ADSs: US8679751045
Sunrise Class B ADSs: US8679752035
Sunrise Class A ADSs: 867975 104
Sunrise Class B ADSs: 867975 203
Ticker Symbols
Sunrise Class A common shares listed on the SIX: SUNN
Sunrise Class A ADSs listed on Nasdaq: SNRE
Board of Directors
Adam Bird
Adam Bird
Adam Bird, a U.S. citizen, has over 30 years of experience advising clients in, among others, the telecommunications, media, advertising and content industries, most recently as a senior partner and the global head of Consumer Technology & Media at McKinsey & Company. Prior to McKinsey & Company, Mr. Bird was a senior partner at Booz Allen Hamilton, where he was the managing director of Global Consumer & Media Practices. Mr. Bird is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Paley Center for Media and Board of Trustees of Wesleyan University. He holds a B.A. from Wesleyan University.
Ingrid Deltenre
Ingrid Deltenre
Ms. Deltenre, a Swiss citizen, has over 25 years of experience in the media industry, having previously served as CEO of Publisuisse and Swiss Television SFR. In her role as CEO of Swiss Television SFR, she spearheaded the modernization of the organization, focusing on digital transformation, content diversification and audience engagement. From 2010 to 2017, Ms. Deltenre served as the Director General of the European Broadcasting Union, a global association of European broadcasters. Ms. Deltenre is a director of Givaudan SA, DHL Group, Banque Cantonale Vaudoise, BCV, as well as Swiss Post Solutions and was formerly a member of the board of directors of Sunrise from 2018 to 2020. Ms. Deltenre holds a M.A. in Journalism and Educational Sciences from the University of Zurich.
Mike Fries
Mike Fries
Mr. Fries, a U.S. citizen, has nearly 40 years of experience in the telecom and media industry. He is the Chief Executive Officer of Liberty Global, a position he has held since 2005, and a co-founder of its predecessor over three decades ago. Mr. Fries has overseen the company’s growth into a world leader in converged broadband, mobile and communications with operations established in 50 countries during that time frame and over $200 billion in historical transactions. Today Liberty Global serves an aggregated 85 million fixed and mobile connections in Europe, with its consolidated businesses generating $7 billion in annual revenue and its VMO2 and VodafoneZiggo joint ventures generating combined annual revenue of more than $18 billion. He has led Liberty’s investments and operations in Switzerland since 2005. Mr. Fries also serves as the Executive Chairman of Liberty Latin America Ltd. and a board member of Lions Gate Entertainment Corp., Lionsgate Studios Corp. and Grupo Televisa S.A.B. He serves on the Cable Labs board, is a trustee and finance committee member of the Paley Center for Media and an ICT Governor of the World Economic Forum. Throughout his career, Mr. Fries has received numerous recognitions, including inductions into the Cable Hall of Fame and the Broadcasting & Cable Hall of Fame and Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year in Media, Entertainment and Communications. Mr. Fries holds a B.A. from Wesleyan University and an M.B.A. from Columbia University.
Thomas D. Meyer
Thomas D. Meyer
Thomas D. Meyer, a Swiss citizen, has been an operating partner at BLR Partners AG since 2020. Prior to that, he spent over 30 years at Accenture in various national and international management roles, most recently as Managing Director and CEO Accenture Switzerland. He was formerly the Chairman of Sunrise from 2020 to 2021 and is currently the Chairman of CelsiusPro AG and Swisscontact Foundation. He also sits as a member of the board of directors of Osterwalder AG, Noser Management AG, Neue Zürcher Zeitung AG, Akros AG, Yarowa AG, Artemis Holding AG and BLR Capital AG. In addition, Mr. Meyer is a member of the Supervisory and the Shareholder Board of Apleona GmbH in Germany. Mr. Meyer holds a Master of Business Administration from University of St. Gallen.
Catherine Mühlemann
Catherine Mühlemann
Ms. Mühlemann, a Swiss citizen, has over 25 years of experience in the media, telecommunications and e-commerce industries, having previously served in leadership roles at Andmann Media Holding from 2008 to 2015. Between 2001 and 2008, Ms. Mühlemann held various positions at Viacom International Media Networks (formerly known as MTV Networks), including as the CEO of Central Europe and Emerging Markets and as Chair of the board of Viva Media AG. Prior to this, Ms. Mühlemann was the program director of TV3 in Switzerland, where she was responsible for its programming strategy and content development. From 1994 to 1998, Ms. Mühlemann was a media counsellor at Swiss public television SRF. She also has significant commercial and consulting experience, having founded Boheme Living GbR and Ni Fravi Group GmbH. Ms. Mühlemann is a current member of the supervisory boards of CH Media TV AG, Jungfraubahn Holding AG and is President of the SWISS FILMS Foundation. She has also served on numerous boards of directors and supervisory boards in the past, including Somedia AG, Telecolumbus AG, Swisscom AG and Kabel Deutschland Holding AG (now part of Vodafone), among others. Ms. Mühlemann holds degrees from the University of Berne, the University of St. Gallen and the Swiss Academy for Marketing & Communications (SAWI).
Enrique Rodriguez
Enrique Rodriguez
Mr. Rodriguez, a U.S. citizen, has been the Executive Vice President & Chief Technology Officer of Liberty Global since July 2018. Mr. Rodriguez has over 35 years of experience in high-technology and Fortune 500 global businesses. He previously served as the President, Chief Executive Officer and a director of TiVo Corporation (TiVo) from November 2017 to July 2018. Prior to joining TiVo, Mr. Rodriguez was Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of AT&T Entertainment Group from August 2015 to November 2017. From January 2013 to July 2015, he served as Executive Vice President, Operations and Products for Sirius XM and was Group Vice President of Sirius XM from October 2012 to January 2013. Prior to his employment with Sirius XM, Mr. Rodriguez was the Senior Vice President and General Manager of Cisco Systems’ Service Provider Video Technology Group. Mr. Rodriguez holds a BS in Electronics & Communications Engineering from Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico.
Lutz Schüler
Lutz Schüler
Mr. Schüler, a German citizen, has over 25 years of experience in the telecommunications industry, currently as the Chief Executive Officer of Virgin Media O2, a position he has held following the £31bn merger of the Virgin Media and O2 businesses in 2021. From June 2019 to May 2021, he served as the CEO of Virgin Media, after spending ten months as the company’s Chief Operating Officer. Prior to his time at Virgin Media, Mr. Schüler was CEO of Unity Media from January 2011 to July 2018. Earlier in his career, Mr. Schüler held several senior management roles with the Telefónica O2 group, including leading the integration of Hansenet Telekommunikation GmbH as its CEO in Germany following its acquisition by Telefónica O2 in 2010. Mr. Schüler holds a degree in business administration from Universität Augsburg and M.B.A in economics from Universität Augsburg.
16 February: Announcement
Liberty Global announces intention to spin off 100% of Sunrise to shareholders.
9 September: Capital Markets Day
Sunrise CEO, Andre Krause, addressed shareholders
20 September: SEC declared Registration Statement effective and Prospectus filing
25 October: Shareholder Meeting
Special meeting of Liberty Global Shareholders to approve spin-off
4 November: Distribution record date
12 November: Distribution date for Sunrise shares in the form of Sunrise ADSs
13 November: Expected first day of trading of Sunrise ADSs on Nasdaq
14 November: ADS holders can exchange their ADSs
First day Sunrise ADS holders can exchange their ADSs into underlying Sunrise shares
15 November: Trading on the SIX Swiss exchange
Expected first day of trading of Sunrise Class A Share on the SIX Swiss exchange
Mid to Late November: Swiss Performance Index (SPI)
Sunrise shares anticipated to be included on the Swiss performance index (SPI) five trading days following the 15 November listing
Where Next?
- Investor Overview
- Financials
- Investor News & Events
- Sunrise Spin-off
- Virgin Media O2
- Sunrise Holding
- VodafoneZiggo
- Telenet
- Virgin Media Ireland
- SEC Filings
- Share Information
- Regulation G Information
- CR reporting and performance
- Annual Reports
- Quarterly Consensus Estimates
- Analyst Coverage
- Information Request
- Subscribe