Application form:
To start off with you will need to complete our application form, filling in all the details about your academic background and previous experience.
Online assessments:
Next in our application process there are a few digital assessments for you to take part in. One of these assessments will include a video interview.
Here are some hints and tips to help you along the way:
- Find somewhere quiet where you can focus on the assessment
- Close down any browser windows you don’t need
- For the video interview make sure you are in a well-lit space with good internet connection to avoid any technical issues
- Research – make sure you have an understanding of the scheme you are applying to as well as background on who we are
Assessment centre:
For the final stage, you will take part in a full day assessment centre at one of our offices. Here you’ll be meeting us in person and have the chance to get a feel for Liberty Global.
On the day you will take part in several activities such as group exercise, individual exercise & individual interview.
We understand you might be a bit nervous, however rest assured we are here to support your journey. If there is anything you need just drop us an email: